The Fork and the House Party

Created by Doni 3 months ago
I have so many fond memories of the Taylor-Robinson family when I used to live at Sunny Gardens Rd, growing up from the tender age of 5. At that time Ross was my best friend. We were in the same class at Sunnyfields primary and lived on the same road. I spent lot time playing at his house so I also saw a lot of his mum. To my regret, I have not seen Brenda since I moved from Sunny Gardens Rd, but I still picture Brenda, as I did then, as an elegant and caring lady. There are two memories in particular of Brenda that will live with me forever.

The park very close to us, Sunny Hill Park, was our hang out for playing. There is a place in the park called The Fork where we often played hide and seek (and other games) as it had a lot of bushes. On one of those occasions, as I was running around inside the bushes I fell down and my right thigh caught a branch as I fell and left a deep cut with blood pouring out. Of course in those days I was a right cry baby, so Ross run to his house and soon later Brenda came to my rescue and expertly nursed my wound. To this day I still have the scar and whenever I see it I always think of Brenda.

Forward a few years, I moved up a year into the same class as Karl. Karl was one of, if not the most popular boys in the school, and on one of his birthdays he threw a party at his house (which I attended). Karl being Mr popular, a lot of people came to the party including of course all the popular girls and all the popular boys, and if I remember correctly there were also some gate crashers. This had all the ingredients of mayhem. I can't remember the details but something must have got out of control that made Brenda think enough is enough. So in no uncertain terms she said to everyone at the party that they ALL had to leave..... except for me :)

The biggest and sincerest tribute that I would like pay to Brenda is that, looking back at my early childhood days, she was like a mother to me, and I will forever remember her fondly. Good bye mum.